David Ramirez, Attorney at Law
David M. Ramirez, since 2010, is of Counsel with the Sacramento bankruptcy law firm of Anthony Hughes, LLC. He earned his Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Jurisprudence degrees at Stanford University. He has had two successful careers. His current work builds on his first career as a dedicated legal professional with more than twenty years of legal experience, including more than 30 jury trials, over 100 bench trials, as well as significant appellate experience and administrative law experience [Published opinion in De La Cuesta vs. Fidelity Federal Savings and Loan Assoc, (1981) 121 Cal. App. 3d 328 (175 Cal.Rptr. 467)]. He has litigated more than 20 administrative proceedings, including professional licensee hearings, one of which lasted more than 40 court days. He is highly skilled at dealing with diverse client and witness populations. As a team member, he is willing to go the extra mile to accomplish the mission set for the team. When in a leadership role, his leadership style is to take care of the team while the team takes care of the mission.
Prior to joining the Hughes firm, David M. Ramirez also had an encore career in educational management. He recently retired from the California educational system after having served as a teacher and administrator in some of the nations toughest inner city schools, Oakland Military Institute, and Calvin Simmons Middle School. He has contributed to the Mexican American Community by his work on the admissions committee for Oakland Military Institute where he promoted the admission of many Mexican American cadets and by his service as Vice Principal at Calvin Simmons Middle School, which was the only Oakland Middle school in 2005 which had a majority Mexican American student population. He earned the Association of California School Administrators [ACSA] El Dorado Charter ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR for 2008-2009 ACSA and the El Dorado Charter DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD for 2008-2009.
He also served in California State Military Reserve of the California National Guard, Major, as a Staff Judge Advocate, assigned to 100 the Combat Command Support Group, in 2006-2008, and as infantry officer, California Cadet Corp 2002-04.
David M. Ramirez is the author of “Guerrilla Speech Tactics” available on Amazon.com and has dedicated half of all book proceeds to the Wounded Warriors Project.