Pat Mora, Author Presenter and Literacy Advocate
Pat Mora was born in El Paso, Texas, on January 19, 1942. A descendant of four grandparents who came to Texas from Mexico during the Mexican Revolution of 1910 and the early twentieth century, Mora’s bilingual and bicultural experiences inform her literary contributions.
Pat is a writer and cultural preservationist who seeks to document the lives of Mexican Americans and U.S. Latinas and Latinos through varying genres such as children’s books, poetry, and nonfiction. In her writing, Mora adopts the terrain and life of the Chihuahua desert and recognizes the human and cultural diversity of the Southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Mora is a popular national speaker shaped by the US/Mexico border where she was born and spent much of her life.
Please visit her website at: http://www.patmora.com/