Exhibit in Dallas to honor Mexican-American veterans
DALLAS (AP) — In 1967, Albert Valtierra, a working-class kid from West Dallas, joined the U.S. Air Force and headed to Vietnam.
The Dallas Morning News (http://bit.ly/1LXLfoQ ) reports his younger sister, Rosemary, marched defiantly to protest the war.
Their mother, Serapia, simply lit velas and prayed the rosary.
Rosemary would marry Ramiro Hinojosa, and together they raised a son named after his father. Ram, as the son was called, enlisted in the Army in 2004 and headed for Iraq. He was motivated by the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and by the service of others in his family.
“What did I do wrong?” Rosemary thought.
Then she found herself lighting velas in prayer.
The family’s story is one of many portrayed in a photo and video exhibit and lecture series highlighting Mexican-American veterans from the Dallas area. The montage covers more than 100 years in more than 1,000 photos portraying about 400 service members…
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