The Demands for Diversity Hiring Requires a “Pipeline” August 21, 2018 : by Armando Bengochea
“…As the summer closes and college campuses across the country come roaring back to life, the demands for an academy that better reflects the full diversity of the student body and their own experiences will no doubt come center stage once again. Atop the list of pressing demands are calls for a more racially and ethnically diverse faculty. In the current political climate, where battles over identity and American culture have taken deep root, these demands cannot be easily dismissed and student impatience on the matter is only growing. Students, and the allies they have developed both on and off campus, do not intend to let allow administrative and academic leaders off the hook. The demands for a diverse faculty are growing and will further create division between the student body and university administration if they are not addressed in a more urgent manner…”
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