Students express artistry with original makeup looks on social media platforms
“Linda Casillas used to wake up at 4 a.m. every day just to do her makeup in high school.
“I would wear a full face – fake eyelashes, contour, colorful eye shadow,” the third-year art history student said.
Now, Casillas says she usually keeps her makeup neutral, but still expresses her artistry through her Instagram page, which features bright color palettes and themed designs – including an outline of Royce Hall adorning her eye, rimmed with yellow and blue eye shadow at the bottom.
The first inkling of her passion arose in middle school, she said, when she began watching online tutorials and, being particularly insecure about her eyebrows, playing with makeup. Later in high school, Casillas joined a dance team and started investing more time into her craft, helping her teammates with their makeup and sharing her work on Instagram…”
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