LATINO-OWNED BUSINESSES Shining a Light on National Trends
“This report draws on a variety of data sources, both quantitative and qualitative. A short descrip-tion of the range of sources referenced in this report, from Census data to surveys to detailed interviews with entrepreneurs, is found in the following paragraphs.Timely and detailed data about small business growth potential, including the ability to access financing, is scarce. For national and state trends, researchers have relied heavily on two datasets from the U.S. Census Bureau: the Survey of Business Owners (SBO) and Annual Survey of Entre-preneurs (ASE). The SBO surveys both employer and nonemployer businesses and is conducted every five years (in years ending in two and seven), but contains limited financing questions. The ASE, which commenced in 2014, provides more frequent data (the first survey was released in 2016 and has been updated annually) but examines only employer firms. Beginning in 2017, the Census Bureau initiated a new survey called the Annual Business Survey (ABS) to replace the ASE and the SBO. The ABS will only survey employer firms and will contain more detailed questions on…”