What We Owe Columbus (And What We Don’t)
“Statue of Cristóbal Colón in Barcelona, Spain (Andrew Moore/Flickr)
I hated my father for a long time. Maybe hate is too strong a word; let’s say my thoughts about him were consumed by a smoldering resentment: first for what he did to my family, then for what he didn’t do — namely, stick around. Yet even now I cannot deny that a small part of me still loves him deeply, if only for the mere fact that he gave me life.
And so it is with Christopher Columbus for many, if not most Latinos. His name stirs up painful memories but, nonetheless, he is the man who started it all. He is why they’re here. The point was made in a recent op-ed by Jonathan Marcantoni, who made a strong effort to remind us that, despite how much liberals love patting themselves on the backs for their public curses of the man who stumbled upon the Americas in 1492, Latin America, the United…”