Turning to Mexico in gaining market share
“…Naysayers and skeptics immediately emerged, he recalled. “Unfortunately, there are still misconceptions – Mexico is a third world country; Mexico is too dangerous; Mexico is violent,” he said, mimicking some of the more prominent critiques of his launch. “People thought I was crazy, insane, lunatic,” he said. Skeptics were misinformed about Mexico, Guzzo said, viewing it as a violent country although violence is largely limited to certain regions. He suggested the US has its fair share of violence: “I live in LA,” he added. “I know all about violence.”
His own views on doing business in Mexico have evolved, he noted. “When I started to look into Mexico, I took an investment approach rather than a mortgage approach,” he said, noting he manages a group of more than 30 loan officers although he personally is not licensed to originate loans. “Then I took the mortgage approach and was looking at the numbers.”…”