The 7th Annual US-Mexico Natural Gas Forum takes place November 13-15, in San Antonio, TX
U.S.-Mexico cross-border natural gas market decision-makers participate in key industry event to gain insight, analyze, and structure arrangements to buy, sell and transport natural gas. Hundreds of energy industry professionals convene in November to gain insight and conduct analysis of up to the minute issues facing US-Mexico cross-border natural gas markets. The 7th Annual US-Mexico Natural Gas Forum takes place November 13-15, in San Antonio, TX. This is the industry’s premier gathering for natural gas industry professionals, which is much more than simply a conference with participants routinely negotiating transactions during the event. Dedicated networking time is incorporated into the agenda to ensure participants are able to engage with other key stakeholders. The Program for this year’s event includes all the critical issues faced by stakeholders in this dynamic market. Agenda highlights include:…”