This article is part of an ongoing Media Life series entitled “Catching the next big wave: Hispanic media.” You can read previous stories by clicking here.
Last month, Univision Deportes Network beat every other cable sports network in primetime among the key demos of adults 18-49 and 18-34.
It finished ahead of Fox Sports 1 and NBC Sports Network, which is an accomplishment of itself.
But it also beat cable sports’ big dogs, ESPN and ESPN2.
UDN carried the Copa America Centenario in June, which explains the big ratings, while the other networks were in a rare summertime lull between major events like NASCAR and the Tour de France.
But still, a Spanish-language network beating a bunch of English-language ones in the major sports demos?
A few years ago, that would have been unthinkable. In fact, five years ago, UDN didn’t even exist…
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To judge from our media coverage, you’d think that Mexico isn’t so much a country as a problem. But if you look beyond the endless talk of drug wars and The Wall, you discover that Mexico has a booming culture.
In recent years, there’s been an explosion of literary talent — from the sly provocateur Mario Bellatin to the brainy and funny Valeria Luiselli. This writing makes most American literary fiction feel pale and cannily packaged…
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The University of California today (July 6) released data that show significant gains in the number of California freshman and transfer students admitted to UC campuses for fall 2016, including those from historically underrepresented groups. The admissions data in part reflects UC’s initiative to enroll 5,000 more in-state students in 2016-17.
The university offered admission to 105,671 students out of a freshman applicant pool of 166,565, and 23,879 California community college transfer students from 33,199 applicants. The numbers represent a 15.1 percent jump in the number of California resident freshmen offered a spot at one of UC’s nine undergraduate campuses compared to fall 2015, a gain of 9,344 students.
Admission of students transferring from community colleges increased by 14.1 percent. The one-year increase in 2016-17 California resident transfers will be the largest in UC history…
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CM Martínez-Roldán – Critical Content Analysis of Children’s and Young Adult …, 2016
… Nevertheless, whether pochismos are seen as positive or negative, the language used by the
Chihuahuas in the series misrepresents pocho language and Mexican Americans’ linguistic
practices and does not correspond to the literary bilingualism used by Chicano authors to …
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The ten artists in “Amexican@” are millennials or younger, fluent in internet culture.
The at sign in the title of this year’s Mexic-Arte Museum “Young Latino Artists” exhibit is not just a typographical affectation.
The ten artists and one collective in “Amexican@” are millennials or younger, born in the 1980s and 1990s.
Fluent in internet culture, millennials have come of age with ain/nrr5L/the “@” sign no less readable to them than any letter of the alphabet…
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SHREVEPORT, La. (AP) – After years of declining enrollment, many of Louisiana’s historically black colleges and universities are seeing a modest rise.
Tougher admission standardsingent requirements for student loans caused the losses. Higher education experts tell The Times that there may be a couple of reasons for the increase. One is that more Hispanic and Asian students are entering the historically black schools. Another is that recent racial conflicts at predominantly white institutions may have minority students seeing the historically black schools as safer…
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WASHINGTON — For Amanda Renteria, 2016 has made the political even more personal.
When she took the job as Hillary Clinton’s political director, making her the highest-ranking Hispanic staffer on the campaign, Renteria knew she’d play a key role in trying to awaken the sleeping giant of the Hispanic vote. She never imagined she’d do it while squaring off against Donald Trump and his anti-Latino xenophobia…
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On June 17, longtime Tucson photographer Frank Martinez passed away. He was 92. The ubiquitous figure on Tucson’s west and south sides had a small studio next to the old Sky Villa lounge on South 12th Avenue. Here’s a column I wrote in December 2000 about Martinez and his contributions as a documentarian of Tucson’s Mexican-American/Chicano families:
Through his camera lens, photographer Frank Martinez has seen Tucson’s social changes…
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WENATCHEE, Wash. — From humble beginnings in Mexico, Jesus Limon has spent a lifetime working hard for his slice of the American dream.
As a young man, he picked celery and oranges in California and tree fruit in Washington state. Twenty years ago he became one of the few Hispanic orchard owners in the Wenatchee area.
He and his wife of 40 years, Maria Luisa Limon, helped put their four sons through college and today see retirement in their not-too-distant future.
They now own 150 acres of apple trees and lease 35 acres of cherry and apple trees…
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AUSTIN — The face of Texas’ border surge is undergoing a makeover, as the security push has helped the state Department of Public Safety hire more Hispanic officers recently.
Over the past 18 months, more than 40 percent of the 450 participants in DPS’ grueling six-month trooper academies identified themselves as Hispanic. A Dallas Morning News analysis shows that it’s the highest such percentage DPS has seen over the last decade — and maybe ever…
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HOW HE HAS SHAPED THE REGION: Zajur, as head of the chamber, has provided a voice for the Hispanic business community during a period in which the Hispanic population in Virginia essentially doubled.
In 2000, the year Zajur founded the chamber, about 4.7 percent of the state’s population was Hispanic or Latino. In 2014, that percentage was up to 9 percent…
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HAYS — They are thankful for the doors that Fort Hays State University opened for them, and they are excited about giving back to fellow Hispanics.
FHSU graduates Hector Villanueva, of Garden City, and Alma Hidalgo, of Perryton, Texas, were right in the thick of things Wednesday morning as high school students from across Kansas, Colorado and Missouri climbed off buses to participate in Fort Hays State’s first Hispanic College Institute…
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June, 21 2016
The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Dentistry’s Hispanic Student Dental Association (HSDA) Chapter was named the Hispanic Dental Association’s (HDA) 2016 National Student Chapter of the Year at the HDA’s recent Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. This award recognizes the chapter for outstanding efforts to provide service, education, advocacy and leadership in Hispanic oral health.
Selected by a committee consisting of HDA National Office staff members and invited jurors, the chapter stood out among affiliate dental student chapters across the nation…
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RE Michel – ACA Postmodern Career Counseling: A Handbook of …, 2016 – books.google.com
A high school diploma is no longer enough for most people to secure the career or lifestyle
they imagine. The value of a postsecondary education is well accepted, and significant
efforts have been made to support students who further their training past high school. For …
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With Hillary Clinton now virtually assured to be the Democratic nominee for President, the Voto Latino Power Summit being held this weekend in Las Vegas, Nevada holds particular significance for the growing power of Latino millennials, who make up 44 percent of all Latinos according to recent analysis from Pew Research.
An estimated 3.2 million Latinos will be able to cast their votes for the first time in the upcoming presidential election, and will likely pit Republican frontrunner Donald Trump against Clinton. With Donald Trump poised to get the lowest vote ever among Latinos for a Republican presidential nominee, organizations like Voto Latino will be an important venue for using the attention of the election to connect young Latinos with each other in networking opportunities and getting them motivated to become active citizens…
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As it turns out, last year’s encouraging trend among Hispanic homeowners belies a widening gap in wealth between Hispanics and whites, according to a new report by Hispanic Wealth Project (HWP) that looks at the past few years.
While in 2015, Hispanics drove homeownership growth for the U.S.‒‒accounting for 69 percent of the total net growth in U.S. homeownership‒‒ the fact remains that homeownership is still only about 45 percent for Hispanics in the U.S.. In fact, the median Hispanic household is still a renter household, according to the report…
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Now in Spanish, the “Kayak.com” of financial aid enables seamless comparison of personalized tuition estimates, Obama College Scorecard Data across 5,600 U.S. colleges and universities.
Launched at the 2016 Clinton Global Initiative America meeting, free online tools College Ábaco and Pell Ábaco address key hurdles to Hispanic college enrollment: language barriers and cost perceptions..
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JC Vela, B Flamez, GS Sparrow, E Lerma
… roles and responsibilities of professional school counselors include helping students in a number
of areas, such as personal, social, and career development (Studer, 2005). High school counselors
are provided specific strategies to help Mexican American students overcome …
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… hire laborers without the proper documents. Generations of Mexican Americans grow up being
exposed to this “Mexican perspective.” These stories are recounted … of these Mexican Americans,
it can be difficult to distinguish between myth and reality. Therefore, while Page 14. …
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We’ve been hearing the death knell for acculturation for the past several years now in the Hispanic marketing world. A large percentage of Fortune 1000 companies, however, still use acculturation as a point of reference for segmentation so as a research company we still see acculturation models regularly.However, a call with an ad agency last week made us do a double take and question, is acculturation really dead? We were discussing a research strategy and mentioned segmenting by acculturation for research purposes and we were stopped dead in our tracks by the statement, “Let me stop you there. All Hispanics are bicultural. All Hispanics speak English. Acculturation is an outdated concept.” …
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