In our Latino Political Pulse we ask experts and scholars to weigh in and give us their take on timely political and national topics and issues.
With the California presidential primary upon us, we asked a group of California Latina scholars to give us their thoughts on how Hispanics have changed politics in the Golden State and its lasting impact in 2016 and beyond…
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SA Nelson – 2016
… immigrants. Also noted in this age group, Latin Americans who have immigrated have a higher
likelihood of acquiring college degrees before coming to the United States compared to Mexican
immigrants. A majority of Mexican immigrants who come to the …
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As part of the Univision Educación campaign, Univision has launched their highly anticipated program, Becas Univision in support of Hispanic students.
These scholarships are available for Latino students residing in the United States…
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DL Moguel – the Social Studies, 2016
… Paz argued that Mexican Catholicism, a combination of Spanish and indigenous traditions, had
different approaches than European Protestantism toward freedom of … By surveying over 35
thousand Americans over the age of 18, the 2014 Survey has found the following (Pew …
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Olivarez to work with Master Your Card: Oportunidad to help Latinos realize greater financial inclusion and growth
WASHINGTON, D.C. (PRWEB) May 31, 2016
Master Your Card: Oportunidad, a community empowerment program sponsored by MasterCard®, today announced that Rick Olivarez, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund board member, joined the program’s advisory board.
“Rick Olivarez and generations of his family, including his grandfather who founded NALEO, have been committed to advancing the Latino community,” said Fabián Nuñez, former speaker of the California Assembly and chair of the Master Your Card: Oportunidad Advisory Board. “The Board consists of nationally recognized Latino leaders who…
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Manuel Barbosa’s life is a rags-to-riches tale that exemplifies the American Dream. The Dream isn’t perfect, as the obstacles in Barbosa’s life have shown, but he feels nonetheless that “it is alive and well.”
In 1948, when Barbosa was 2 months old, his parents crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico to Texas on a raft. At the age of 5, he started picking cotton with them to earn 1 cent per pound…
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While much of the rhetoric regarding Latinos this election cycle has focused on the divisive issue of immigration, a bipartisan group is out to change the narrative. The Latino Donor Collaborative aims to emphasize the growing economic power of Latino-Americans, and the potent political force they can become. John Yang talks to co-founders Henry Cisneros and Sal Trujillo for more…
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TL Turnipseed – 2016 – books.google.com
Community, home, and identity are concepts that have concerned scholars in a variety of
fields for some time. Legal scholars, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, and
economists, among others, have studied the impacts of home and community on one’s …
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Raising bilingual and bicultural children is no easy feat, though it’s very much a labor of love.
Latina moms who hail from another country want to know how to juggle raising U.S. children while keeping alive the family’s cultural traditions. Some Hispanic parents want to choose baby names that can work (and be pronounced!) in two languages.
These mothers may have questions about how to navigate the issue of Abuela wanting to be the most involved grandmother on the block or the “advice” that extended family members will be offering…
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For the seventh consecutive year, the percent of directors of Hispanic origin elected to Fortune 500 boards was sharply lower than the overall representation of Hispanics in the U.S. population, according to the Heidrick & Struggles 2016 board monitor.
Of 399 new directors appointed by Fortune 500 companies in 2015, only 16 were Hispanic — a measly four percent. Over the past seven years, an average of 4.7 percent of new directors have been Hispanic. That dire statistic reveals there has been no discernible upward trend. Nothing. As the Hispanic share of the U.S. population has grown during those years, the gap of under-representation in the boardroom has therefore widened…
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Three Latino artists took home some Billboard 2016 awards.
Romeo Santos, known for leading the Bachata group Aventura, won Top Latin Artist at the 2016 Billboard Awards for the second year in a row.
Nicky Jam and Enrique Iglesias’ hit tune “El Perdón” won Top Latin Song, marking the seventh Billboard Award for duo’s international smash hit.
Juan Gabriel won Top Latin Album for Los Dúo — again — at the Billboards. His album Mis Número 1…40 Aniversario was also nominated in the same category…
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Several high-ranking university officials including Chancellor Henry T. Yang sat with students in El Centro on Saturday for six hours, going point-by-point through a list of more than 30 demands made by Latino UC Santa Barbara students.
The students are part of a campus group formed in April, VOCEROS, which means “spokespeople” in Spanish and is also used as an acronym for Voices Of the Community, En Resistencia, Organizing Solidarity…
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SAN DIEGO, May 19, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) vice president Jeannie Hilger has been named a 2016 National Latina of the Year by the Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF), one of the nation’s largest Latino human service organizations…
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For every luxe handmade leather bag or delicate blown glass lamp on display at Los Angeles’ high-end design stores, there is likely a highly-skilled craftsperson (if not several) who helped produce the object. In a new installment of Artbound, KCET highlights the work and stories of the primarily Latino artisans and craftspeople who, despite being responsible for the production of much of the city’s high-end design and retail, remain mostly invisible…
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EE Logan – 2016
… their tongues cut out or killed. Mexican Americans students must also fight the persistent myth
that they value labor over education. … forced to leave school because of depressed wages of
Mexican Americans and students must help their family meet their short-term needs. …
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Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) President Antonio R. Flores will be a speaker on the session “Building Leadership – Who, How, What’s Needed,” at the National Latino Climate Leadership Forum 2016 on June 17 in Washington, D.C. The forum has invited over 75 national Hispanic and Latino health, faith, business, education, culture, community, government and environmental leaders to discuss and explore Latino leadership on climate solutions…
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Francisco Preciado came to California from Mexico as a young child. By the early 1980s, he was raising a young family of his own in the U.S. and working as a groundskeeper at Stanford.On a recent visit to StoryCorps, his son, Frankie, recalls, “Since I was around 9 or 10, I would come sometimes with you to help you on campus.”
“I told you that one day, you were going to go here to Stanford,” answers Francisco.
Andy Goodling, with his father, Scott, on a recent visit with StoryCorps.
StoryCorpsAmid A Lost Love, A Son And Father Finally Speak The Secret Between Them
The cookbook, featuring those handprints left in beet juice.
StoryCorpsAt The Root Of It All, A Little Girl’s ‘Grandmapal’ Left Her Lifelong Love
That stuck with Frankie. He remembered those words, the hard work his father and mother put into their jobs, and set them up as examples for himself. And because of his dad, Frankie applied to Stanford…
“The future depends on what you do today”, that’s the message leaders of the Association of Latin American Students are sending to local Hispanic students. They’re using personal experience to inspire others.
Itzayana Ortega has spent much of her life moving between the United States and Mexico City. She says that made her a very shy student.
“School has been a challenge for me,” said Ortega, now President of ALAS at Rock Valley College. “I never had stayed in a set place or country. So, I always have to move from one country to another and just getting used to all those changes.”…
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Hispanics will experience faster spending growth than young adults by 2020, according to new projections from investment bank Morgan Stanley.
“The aging of the population and the rise of Millennials will continue to impact the consumer landscape over the next 5 years,” analysts said in a note. “However, the share of the consumer wallet controlled by the Hispanic population will experience the fastest pace of growth, driven by the addition of 8.2 (million) people—or 52% of total U.S. population growth—and above-average per-capita income growth…
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WASHINGTON, DC — It is an absolute business imperative to have Latinos and Latinas in leadership positions in the business world, particularly on the boards of the country’s top companies, where the numbers remain dismally low. That was the focus of a recent gathering here of many of the nation’s business leaders to commemorate three decades of the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR), an organization that advocates for a greater number of Hispanics in corporate America.
Just over 7 percent of Latinos hold board seats among Fortune 500 companies, and just 4 percent of all executive positions…
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