JR Davidson – Kaleidoscope, 2015
… arriving in large numbers. During the Great Depression in the 1930s, Americans
in the Southwest, particularly in Los Angeles, believed that Mexican immigrants were
draining the welfare system (Boisson, 2006). In a time when …
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“They say that if you speak two languages, you’re bilingual. If you speak three or more languages, you’re multilingual,” said Texas Sen. Judith Zaffirini. “And if you speak only one language, well then, you’re an American.”…
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B Walsh-Dahlberg – 2015
… diverse. While large numbers of Filipinos and Mexican Americans populated the
diversified Western Addition, it was the African American and Japanese whose lived
experiences created toady’s Western Addition. The Japanese …
Link to Field Work Report
DALLAS (AP) — In 1967, Albert Valtierra, a working-class kid from West Dallas, joined the U.S. Air Force and headed to Vietnam.
The Dallas Morning News (http://bit.ly/1LXLfoQ ) reports his younger sister, Rosemary, marched defiantly to protest the war.
Their mother, Serapia, simply lit velas and prayed the rosary.
Rosemary would marry Ramiro Hinojosa, and together they raised a son named after his father. Ram, as the son was called, enlisted in the Army in 2004 and headed for Iraq. He was motivated by the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and by the service of others in his family.
“What did I do wrong?” Rosemary thought.
Then she found herself lighting velas in prayer.
The family’s story is one of many portrayed in a photo and video exhibit and lecture series highlighting Mexican-American veterans from the Dallas area. The montage covers more than 100 years in more than 1,000 photos portraying about 400 service members…
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RS Flores – 2015
… obesity and disease, and their current data show that, among adults, Mexican Americans are
more likely to be obese compared to non-Hispanic Whites and Asians. … compared Mexican
Americans in a settled community to Mexican American migrant farm workers. They …
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Study by researchers at Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis finds that while black and Hispanic graduates accumulate more wealth than non-graduates, they fare far worse than their white and Asian counterparts during periods of financial trouble; findings undermine long-held concept of college education as an economic equalizer…
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B Huang – 2015
… and Wealth, 52(1), 17-42. Cobb-Clark, DA, & Hildebrand, VA (2006b). The Wealth of Mexican
Americans. Journal of Human Resources, 41(4), 841-868. Page 39. … Trejo, SJ (1997). Why do
Mexican Americans earn low wages?. Journal of Political Economy, 105(6), 1235-1268. …
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U Uygunoglu, A Siva – Pharmacological Management of Headaches, 2015
… In the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), which was conducted by the National Center
for Health Statistics, overall prevalence was estimated as 14.3% in Whites, 14.0% in Blacks, 9.2%
in Asians, 12.9% in Hispanics, 11.9% in Mexican Americans, and 17.7% in Native …
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KR Faurot, AC Filipelli, C Poole, PM Gardiner – Epidemiol, 2015
… Volume 5 • Issue 3 • 1000195 Epidemiol ISSN: 2161-1165 Epidemiol, an open access journal
US-Mexican border, botanical use may be less common because it is less available. … Loera, 2001,
J Gerontology [22] National cohort study (EPESE), probability, Older Mexican Am. …
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Teenagers who took the SAT test during the latest standardized testing season performed worse on the controversial test than they have in many years.
Students generated reading scores that were the lowest since the College Board began releasing annual reports in 1972; the math scores were the worst since 1999. The score for the writing section, which was launched in 2006, was the lowest ever…
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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Decades after leaving New Mexico in disgrace, a noted Mexican-American scholar and key figure in school desegregation got a school dedicated in his honor in his hometown of Albuquerque…
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B Shah, C West-Olatunji
… of the lowest rates of utilization of counseling services, especially Mexican American adolescents
(Malott … It is extremely important for professional counselors to have culturally congruent … provide
culturally competent services to Latino youth, mental health professionals need to …
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R Crosnoe, C Bonazzo, N Wu – 2015
… of Health and Education A Few More Words Before Moving On A Developmental Take on Early
Education and Inequality Voices Opportunities and Challenges Linking Health to Education with
an Eye to Inequality A Spotlight on Preschool-Aged Mexican Immigrants A …
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E Levine
After providing some background on the historical trends of labor migration to the United
States, the article focuses on the place of Mexicans and other Latin Americans in the United
States labor market as the context that frames Mexican migration. …
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Three years after being elected president, Mexico’s Enrique Peña Nieto is increasingly unpopular. Following a year plagued by scandal and controversy, his ratings have fallen, and Mexicans have grown disappointed with key elements of his ambitious agenda…
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CM Cameron – Beyond Germs: Native Depopulation in North America, 2015
… hunter arrived in Chihuahua City in 1845 with 182 scalps, 18 captives, and some Mexican women
and children he had rescued. In response, the Apaches Page 203. 190 CM Cameron only
intensified their raiding. They were finally subdued when Anglo- Americans took over …
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EK Sinkler – 2015
… languages. Previous research has focused on working class immigrants or first generation
Hispanic Americans in universities. Neither of these groups have advanced education,
so there is a need for more research in this area. This research …
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NN Ivers, JA Villalba – 2015
… Language switching and Mexican Americans’ emotional expression. Journal of Multicultural
Counseling and Development, 35, 154–168. … Counselor bilingual ability, counselor ethnicity,
acculturation, and Mexican Americans’ perceived counselor credibility. …
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SSA Guan, A Nash, MF Orellana – Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural …, 2015
… 1982. “Stereotypes of Mexican Descent Persons Attitudes of Three Generations
of Mexican Americans and Anglo-American Adolescents.” Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology 13 (1): 59–70. [CrossRef] View all references). …
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Under its current president, Arizona State University has increased its student population to 84,000, making it the largest university in America. In particular, the focus has been on boosting the number of low-income students. Hari Sreenivasan reports on how ASU transformed itself, and why some are questioning the outcomes of its rapid expansion…
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