Every Day is Magic: Ada Limón

In her 2015 collection, Bright Dead Things, a National Book Award finalist for poetry, Ada Limón writes of moving to Kentucky: “Confession: I did not want to live here.” It’s perhaps not a surprising sentiment coming from a coastally oriented person who was raised in Northern California, attended college in Seattle, and then spent over a decade in New York City.


But Limón and her husband, Lucas, have been in Lexington for seven years now and the effects of settling into this place are noticeable in her new book, The Carrying (Milkweed, Aug.). It’s a phenomenally lively and attentive collection replete with the trappings of living a little closer to nature. While Bright Dead Things is marked by a preponderance of light, such as images of fireflies and neon signs, The Carrying features numerous appearances by various trees, birds, and beetles. Limón also demonstrates a greater willingness to be explicit in naming colors, particularly green. “It’s crazy green, the whole book,” she says. “Lexington is the greenest place I’ve ever lived.” Similarly, where in Bright Dead Things, Limón tells a lot of stories and anecdotes, in The Carrying she is very present in her thoughts and experiences.

As it turns out, these shifts in focus have another, altogether unexpected source. While putting Bright Dead Things together, Limón was diagnosed with chronic vestibular neuronitis, which can cause bouts of vertigo. “If I’m really having vertigo, it’s pretty intense and I really have to focus,”
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Empowering Young People to Be Critical Thinkers: The Mexican American Studies Program in Tucson

C Acosta… – Education for Liberation, 2012
… The Mexican American Student Services Team offers professional development meetings
throughout the school year; the Mexican American Student Services Summer Institute is a
four-day conference that provides Chicana/o studies-based lessons and units to implement at …
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Mexican American Female Adolescents’ Perceptions of Relationships and Dating Violence

K Haglund, RA Belknap… – Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2012
… Clinical Scholarship. Mexican American Female Adolescents’ Perceptions of Relationships and
Dating Violence. … How to Cite. Haglund, K., Belknap, RA and Garcia, JT (2012), Mexican American
Female Adolescents’ Perceptions of Relationships and Dating Violence. …
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Associations Between Socioeconomic Status and Catecholamine Levels Vary by Acculturation Status in Mexican-American Women

JA Jiménez, S Shivpuri, KE de los Monteros… – Annals of Behavioral …, 2012
… Spanish-speaking Mexican-American women evidenced an inverse gradient similar to
non-Hispanic white and African-American popula- tions [5 … the border is a permeable boundary
that is frequently crossed for social, educational, healthcare, commerce, or professional reasons …
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Thomson Reuters Recognizes Leading Mexican Researchers for Their Contributions to Science and Innovation

Research in Science and Social Sciences/Arts & Humanities further progress in food technology, health and psychology MEXICO CITY, MEXICO, March 16, 2012 – The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters recognized the most highly cited
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Acculturation and School Success: Understanding the Variability of Mexican American Youth Adaptation Across Urban and Suburban Contexts

GQ Conchas, L Oseguera… – The Urban Review, 2012
… Parents who work are working class or lower middle class, with many more skilled and
professional wage earners. … In the suburban high school, 35 percent of the students were
Mexican American, and only 5 percent had been born in Mexico. …
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Fighting “two devils”: Eleuterio Escobar and the School Improvement League’s battle for Mexican and Mexican American students’ educational equality in the San Antonio, Texas public schools, 1934 to 1958

LA Wilson – 2012
… He argued that Mexican and Mexican American children were legally a “white” population, which
made the city’s use of “Mexican schools” illegal. He lobbied the local school district, local and
state politicians, and legal professionals to improve the West Side schools. …
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Mother-Daughter Participation in a Community of Practice: Understanding the Sociocultural Mediation of the Identity/ies of Marginalized, 6th Grade Mexican-American Girls

R Reyes III
… introduce participants to how universities function; (3) a Career Day introducing participants to
possible fields of study and to professional Hispanic women who serve as role models; (4) a … The
purpose of this study is to understand how Mexican-American girls who have …
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Gender Roles and Substance Use Among Mexican American Adolescents: A Relationship Moderated by Acculturation?

S Kulis, FF Marsiglia… – Substance Use & Misuse, 2011
… school level influences on individual level risk and protective behaviors; gender and racial
inequities in professional careers; and … projects, studying risk and protective factors associated
with health and mental health outcomes among Mexican/Mexican American and American …
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Spanish-speaking Mexican-American families’ involvement in school-based activities and their children’s literacy: The implications of having teachers who speak Spanish and English

S Tang, E Dearing… – Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2011
… 2003] ). 1. Achievement of Mexican-American children: early education and family
considerations. The … particularly persistent. 2. Family involvement in school-based activities:
exceptional benefits and barriers for Mexican-American families?
Link to abstract

Tristezas y Esperanza: The Educational Voices of Six Mexican American Students in a California Urban High School

F Jimenez – 2012
Page 1. Tristezas y Esperanza: The Educational Voices of Six Mexican American Students in
a California Urban High School … The comments of Lenny Corzo reflect the enormity of problems
that Mexican American (MA) students often encounter today in public schools. …
Link to Dissertation


YN Avalos – 2011
… professional pathways of female Mexican-American community college presidents. The …
Demographics This study specifically examines the professional careers of Mexican-American
women serving as community college leaders. Many demographic summaries combine …
Link to dissertation


“…And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worth while,
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,
After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor—
And this, and so much more?—
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen:
Would it have been worth while…”

T.S. Eliot
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Mexican American Proarchive Annual Report for 2022

The American Community Survey is an annual survey administered by the federal government to help local officials and community leaders and businesses understand the changes that take place in their communities. It includes percentages of our population’s graduate school attainment and the employment of Mexican Americans in various occupations.  These important factors influence the allocation of federal resources. Mexican American Proarchives uses the data provided by the American Community Survey to better understand how Mexican Americans compare to the general population.

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