BD Behnken – The American Historical Review, 2014
… The union soon transferred him to New Mexico, where local Mexican American leaders such
as Juan Chacón were already involved in a bitter … The jury found Jencks guilty of perjury based
largely on the testimony of FBI informant and professional liar Harvey Matusow, who …
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By Antoinette Raheem
with the contributions of
Holly Thompson, Sayed Mostafa, Tim
Cordes,Eileen Slank, and Belem Morales
We all know that divorce is never a one-size-fits-all process. However, when the parties to a domestic matter are culturally
or otherwise diverse, family lawyers need recognize that even more care should be taken to address the unique needs
of the parties. While it goes without saying that, within any group, people are unique and no one group has all the same
characteristics, to the extent there may be some prevalent…
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By Catherine E. Shoichet and Tom Watkins, CNN
updated 9:25 AM EST, Fri January 3, 2014
Illegal immigrant becomes lawyer
NEW: California State Bar: The decision is a legal one, not a political one
California’s Supreme Court: Undocumented immigrant Sergio Garcia can practice law
“I’m glad to see us moving forward in the right direction,” one law student says
Critic: Case shows troubling trend, a push to “normalize illegal immigration”
(CNN) — Sergio Garcia’s parents brought him to the United States from Mexico nearly two decades ago. He’s been waiting for a green card ever since.
But there’s one thing the undocumented immigrant no longer has to wait for, according to a California Supreme Court ruling on Thursday: his law license.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 19, 2013 – Los Angeles attorney Luis J. Rodriguez was elected today as president of the State Bar of California for 2013-2014. He will be the first public defender and first Latino to hold the office.
Rodriguez, 46, will be sworn in as the 89th president of the 243,000-member organization at the State Bar’s Annual Meeting in October in San Jose. He currently serves as vice president and ran unopposed in the Board of Trustees election. Craig Holden, 43, a partner at Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP of Los Angeles, was elected vice president. Heather Linn Rosing, 41, of Klinedinst PC in San Diego was elected treasurer.
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E Vázquez Ríos – 2013
… History, Department of 5-1-2013 The Little School of the 400: A Mexican-American Fight for Equal
Access and its Impact on State Policy … Vázquez Ríos, Erasmo, “The Little School of the 400: A
Mexican-American Fight for Equal Access and its Impact on State Policy” (2013). …
Link to thesis
JJ Lorence – 2013
… process, I have been fortunate to work with the skilled editors at the University of Illinois Press,
whose professional guidance was … The University of Illinois Press granted permission to reprint
portions of “Mexican American Workers, Clinton Iencks, and Mine-Mill Social Activism in …
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R Donato… – Harvard Educational Review, 2012
… It carefully circumvented the issue of race and allowed the school district to segregate Mexican
American children based on their purported educational needs. The Salvatierra decision found
a way to dismiss race and defer to local educational professionals and their …
Link to abstract
Fronteras: The Changing America Desk
In the Tijuana hotel, law students from all over the state are preparing for a mock trial competition with their Mexican and American peers. There’s been plenty of resistance to this new way of running criminal trials among Mexican law professionals
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MarketWatch (press release)’
In addition to independent research and analysis of the interplay between the US and Mexican legal systems, the center also will promote cross-border education of law students, lawyers, judges and other professionals from both Mexico and Canada.
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Exhibitor Online
Presently she is the official representative of Messe Dusseldorf for Mexico and serves various clients in Mexico and Latin America on diverse issues pertaining to international affairs, show management issues and training as well as consulting for …
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Skilled Indian professionals seeking H-1B and L-1 visas to work in the United States are being denied entry in large numbers. Arbitrarily, it seems. A new study by an American policy research organisation has confirmed the worst fears of Indian IT
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Washington Post
MEXICO CITY — With the Iraq war over and the American presence waning in Afghanistan, US security contractors are looking for new prospects in Mexico, where spreading criminal violence has created a growing demand for battle-ready professionals.
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Austin American-Statesman
Chad Reynolds, owner of Reynolds Protection based in Dallas, said he has not only seen an increase in the work his company is doing for Mexican citizens across the state but also in requests for personal protection from Mexican and US company owners …
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Corporate Counsel
Which means legal professionals on both sides of the border are busy … Latin American Forum newsletter [PDF] identified Mexican legislative reform, …
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PR Newswire
The office, the firm’s 33rd, will focus on providing legal services to international clients seeking to enter the Mexican and Latin American markets, …
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Capital Wire PR
Moran was the keynote speaker at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher … AAHHE supports the development of Hispanic college professionals and is …
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… a staff attorney with the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund … legal professionals, and law students of Hispanic descent in the United …
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The Seattle Times
(May 12, 2011, by 50 Yr Old Professional) Read more Happened over a year ago, …. Lopez — whose group was listed among the 34 who joined the American Civil …
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Here’s a link to the website for the Mexican American Bar Association, one of the most prominent and largest Latino bar associations in the nation. They are a volunteer entity whose success rests on the commitment of members and supporters. Members include; attorneys, judges, elected officials, law school students and business people of many ethnic backgrounds.