Gabriel García Márquez, the Colombian novelist whose “One Hundred Years of Solitude” established him as a giant of 20th-century literature, died on Thursday at his home in Mexico City. He was 87
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By Hector Tobar, Los Angeles Times
June 14, 2013, 8:00 a.m.
Journalist Alfredo Corchado has had a front seat to many of the most important events of recent Mexican history. In the 1980s he covered the protests in Northern Mexico that foreshadowed the end of one-party rule, and he was later a Mexico City correspondent for the Dallas Morning News. In 2000, he conducted the first interview with President-elect Vicente Fox, the opposition candidate…
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UNM Press, Mar 16, 2012 – Literary Collections – 288 pages
Eusebio Chacón, born in Peñasco, New Mexico, is arguably one of the most significant and most overlooked figures in New Mexico’s cultural heritage. He earned a law degree from Notre Dame and returned to practice law in Trinidad, Colorado. He served as a district attorney for Las Animas County, Colorado, and as a translator for the U.S. Court of Private Land Claims. In 1898, he began to write and edit for El Progreso, in which many of his articles exposed the unjust treatment of Hispanics in Colorado and New Mexico. He was also New Mexico’s first novelist, and took pride in his
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CB Gil
… parents especially in sensing that we were no longer Mexican like them, that we were becoming,
and in the end, became Mexican American. … As an honest storyteller and professional historian,
I felt obliged to explain that she was referring to the great Mexican Rebellion of 1910 …
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A Kárai
… Background to Research: Text and Context in Recent Chicana/o Literary Narratives
On professional forums both home and abroad, I am often asked what makes me
interested in Mexican American culture, of all things. I could …
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Research in Science and Social Sciences/Arts & Humanities further progress in food technology, health and psychology MEXICO CITY, MEXICO, March 16, 2012 – The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters recognized the most highly cited
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MK López – 2011
… lilmnr-null? Page 3. Chicano Nations Page 4. This page intentionally left blank Page
5. Chicano Nations The Hemispheric Origins of Mexican American Literature marissa
k. lópez a New York University Press new york and london Page 6. …
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CL McNabb – 2011
… This thesis examines casual storytelling among Mexican and Mexican American women in Oaxaca,
Mexico and Eugene, Oregon. … PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Graduate Teaching Fellow, Folklore
Archivist, University of Oregon Spring 2011, Spring 2010, Winter 2010 …
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D der Philosophie
Page 1. Ethnicity in the Garden: Figurations of Ecopastoral in Mexican American Literature
Inaugural-Dissertation … as well as in the introductions to the individual analytic main chapters.
Page 15. I. Towards a Theory of Mexican American Ecopastoral Page 16. Page 17. …