Portada Magazine
What kind of growth do executives forecast in the Mexican market? All of the media, marketing, and advertising professionals polled believe that the Mexican market will grow during 2012. None of them expect any market decreases. Of the 26 respondents
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“Instead of us being a Hispanic grocery store,” he said, “we’re a Hispanic grocery store that says: ‘Welcome to Mexico.’”
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Manufacturing Business Technology
… pool of IT professionals in the world—behind only the US in this hemisphere. … Government decisions by both the US and Mexican regimes will compromise …
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YN Avalos – 2011
… professional pathways of female Mexican-American community college presidents. The …
Demographics This study specifically examines the professional careers of Mexican-American
women serving as community college leaders. Many demographic summaries combine …
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Speaking to an audience of 35 business professionals at a breakfast meeting on March 17 at the Goodwill Northeast Plaza Career Center, Alejandro Coss, president of the Mexican American Business Chamber, announced the new partnership.