Dr. Megaw has a Ph.D. in geology and more than 20 years of relevant experience focused on silver and gold mineralization, and exploration and drilling in Mexico. He is a certified Professional Geologist (CPG 10227) by the American Institute of …
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Manufacturing Business Technology
… pool of IT professionals in the world—behind only the US in this hemisphere. … Government decisions by both the US and Mexican regimes will compromise …
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For example, Mexican exports of aerospace products now worth more than US$3 … major US companies are now looking to Mexican IT professionals to help them …
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Hortensia Amaro
The goals of this study were (a) to provide descriptive information on the reproductive attitudes and behavior of Mexican-American women and (b) to investigate the relationship of socioeconomic status, acculturation, and religiosity with these attitudes and experiences. Data were obtained in personal interviews with 137 Mexican-American women visiting a community health center. Women were asked questions about religion, motherhood and pregnancy, sexuality, and unwanted pregnancy and abortion. The results indicate a great heterogeneity, even among relatively low-income and unacculturated Mexican-American women, in attitudes and experiences. Socioeconomic status, degree of religiosity, and degree of acculturation were associated with women’s reproductive attitudes. Overall, the results contradict common stereotypes that present Mexican-American women as dominated by Catholic doctrine, passive in fertility decisions, and desirous of large familiesstract
MAES (Mexican American Engineers and Scientists)- “To promote, cultivate, and honor excellence in education and leadership among Latino engineers and scientists.â€� NAHREP (National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals) – “ To …
The Austin Times – http://theaustintimes.com/