B Chappell – 2012
… Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Chappell, Ben, 1971–- Lowrider space :
aesthetics and politics of Mexican American custom cars / Ben … x lowrider space come a
professional one, thanks especially to the family of Julio Chulín in Ix- tacomitán, Tabasco; the …
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LC Gallo, S Shivpuri, P Gonzalez, AL Fortmann… – Journal of Behavioral …, 2012
… 0–8th grade, some high school (no diploma), high school graduate, some college, 4 year col-
lege degree, graduate or professional degree. … The scales were developed and validated in a
population-based sample of Mexican–American adults aged 25–64 years (Hazuda et al …
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JA Jiménez, S Shivpuri, KE de los Monteros… – Annals of Behavioral …, 2012
… Spanish-speaking Mexican-American women evidenced an inverse gradient similar to
non-Hispanic white and African-American popula- tions [5 … the border is a permeable boundary
that is frequently crossed for social, educational, healthcare, commerce, or professional reasons …
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S Reicherzer… – International Journal of Transgenderism, 2012
… A Multiple Case Study Examination of Resiliency Factors for Mexican and Mexican-American
Transsexual Women. … for gaining a scope of the problems experienced by the transgender
community, it does very little to inform social and mental health service professionals of the
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MR Finley, J Becho, RL Macias, RC Wood… – 2012
… Variables Mexican American (n = 100) Age, mean ± SD 70.1 ± 7.9 Gender, n (%) Male 42 (42.0%)
Female 58 (58.0%) Education, n (%) Grade 10 or less 37 (37.0%) 10th Grade 63 (63.0%)
Professional/nonprofessional occupation 34 (34.0%) Health, n (%)∗ Good or excellent …
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The term pocho is well known among Chicanos or Mexican Americans. It has been used for generations by Mexicans to describe Mexicans living in the United States. Pocho can be a pejorative term that varies according to who is using it
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RA Santillan, MA Ocegueda, TA Cannon… – 2012
… While some attention is given to the rise of individual professional and major-league players,
the emphasis rests on the celebration of ethnic identity and community solidarity that Mexican
American baseball leagues provided Inland Empire barrios. …
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Exhibitor Online
Presently she is the official representative of Messe Dusseldorf for Mexico and serves various clients in Mexico and Latin America on diverse issues pertaining to international affairs, show management issues and training as well as consulting for …
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JF Whittenberg – 2012
… evil eye (mal de ojo). Instead of seeking help from a family physician or mental health professional,
Mexican Americans may choose to seek help from a folk healer … Mexican communities (Deck,
2009). It is important to note that not all Mexican American families attribute
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Research in Science and Social Sciences/Arts & Humanities further progress in food technology, health and psychology MEXICO CITY, MEXICO, March 16, 2012 – The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters recognized the most highly cited
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GQ Conchas, L Oseguera… – The Urban Review, 2012
… Parents who work are working class or lower middle class, with many more skilled and
professional wage earners. … In the suburban high school, 35 percent of the students were
Mexican American, and only 5 percent had been born in Mexico. …
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Huffington Post (blog)
Since we conducted the research in 31 countries, I decided to look closely at the responses from Latin and South America – we conducted the survey in
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KCET (blog)
During the 1950s college educated and professional Chicanos, as part of the Education Committee of the Council of Mexican Americans Affairs, challenged the school system through proper channels, including PTA participation and meetings with school …
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“… Population growth between 2000 and 2010 varied by Hispanic group. The Mexican origin population increased by 54 percent had the largest numeric change (11.2 million), growing from 20.6 million in 2000 to 31.8 million in 2010.10 Mexicans accounted for about three-quarters of the 15.2 million increase in the Hispanic population from 2000 to 2010…”
“People of Mexican origin” refers to people who report their origin as Mexican. It can include people born in Mexico, in the United States, or in other countries. This holds true for all the detailed Hispanic origin groups discussed in this report (e.g., people of Cuban origin, Salvadoran origin, etc). The question on Hispanic origin is an ethnicity question and not a place of birth question. All Hispanic origin responses are based on self-identification. Throughout this report, terms such as Mexican origin and Mexicans or Cuban origin and Cubans are used inter¬changeably, and in all cases refer to the ethnic origin of the person, not exclusively their place of birth or nationality..
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Utne Reader Online
Ana quickly packed their clothes and some valuables, and that night she fled with her children. It was the beginning of the end of her family’s once-happy existence in Matamoros, Mexico. Ana and Carlos were both business professionals who had graduated …
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EC Apesoa-Varano, JC Barker… – Aging, Health, and Longevity in the …, 2012
… 2003) , and less access to or help from professional sources for these problems (Hinton et al.
2006) . Mexican-American family caregivers often attributed the onset or exacer- bation of
neuropsychiatric symptoms or behavior change to causes such as per- sonality and stress …
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Sacramento Bee
“Across the board we have seen HR professionals in Mexico demonstrating a keen appreciation of the need for career management tools. The market is young, dynamic, and poised for rapid growth. Zapoint is pleased to be at the forefront of bringing a …
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Portada Magazine
… Latin American markets and the US Hispanic market. They also believe that providing good service on a tight budget is a know-how possessed by most professionals in Mexico and that this in itself is a big plus that can be exploited in other markets.
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R Reyes III
… introduce participants to how universities function; (3) a Career Day introducing participants to
possible fields of study and to professional Hispanic women who serve as role models; (4) a … The
purpose of this study is to understand how Mexican-American girls who have …
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Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Mexico and Latin America then plunged down the list, displaced by the Middle East and South Asia. Those two regions remain on top of the heap today, in no small part because the Obama administration has continued the military-heavy tilt of US foreign
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