UCLA organization brings awareness to HIV/AIDS in Latino community at holiday event
“By Breanna Diaz
Oct. 28, 2021 6:22 p.m.
Art and community wellness are merging together for downtown Los Angeles’ Día de los Muertos celebration.
Marking the holiday observed from Nov. 1 to Nov. 2, Grand Park will host its ninth annual Downtown Día de los Muertos event. As part of the 12-day celebration, park-goers can visit art installations, altars and community workshops at the park. One altar featured in the park, operated by The Music Center in LA, was created by the UCLA organization the Los Angeles Family AIDS Network with the Latino Outreach Understanding Division. Their altar, which highlights the impact of HIV and AIDS on women and Latinos, is meant to create a discussion about HIV and AIDS, alumnus and director of the LAFAN Natalie Sanchez said…”