Membership of the 117thCongress: A Profile Updated April 14, 2021
“…Hispanic/Latino American Members There are 54Hispanic or Latino Members in the 117thCongress, 10.0%of the total membership and a record number.29Forty–sevenserve in the House, including two Delegates and the Resident Commissioner,and 7in the Senate. These numbers include two House Members who are also of Asian descent, and two House Members also of African ancestry; these Members are counted in both ethnic categories in this report. Of the Members of the House, 34are Democrats (including 2 Delegates) and 13are Republicans(including the Resident Commissioner). Fourteen are women, including the Resident Commissioner. Of the seven Hispanic Senators (three Republicans, four Democrats), one is a woman. By comparison, approximately 35 years ago in the 99thCongress (1985–1986), 14 Hispanic or Latino Members served in Congress. All 14 were male Members of the House…”