The American Community Survey is an annual survey administered by the federal government to help local officials and community leaders and businesses understand the changes that take place in their communities. It includes percentages of our population’s graduate school attainment and the employment of Mexican Americans in various occupations. These important factors influence the allocation of federal resources. Mexican American Proarchives uses the data provided by the American Community Survey to better understand how Mexican Americans compare to the general population.
The primary goal of Mexican American Proarchives is to inform its readers of the percentage of Mexican Americans who obtain a graduate or professional degree. It is the main indicator of individuals employed in professions which require a degree; for example, doctors, teachers, etc. Mexican Americans are considered an underrepresented minority because their percentage of professionals when compared with the general population is very low.
The percentage of Mexican Americans vs the Total Population is 11.2%
The following are graphs which represent the contrast between the employment of the total population of the US vs the Mexican American population.
First up is:
Educational Attainment for 2022 Comparison of Mexican American Attainment vs. Total Population
The total population with Graduate or professional degrees is 14.0%. Mexican Americans is 4.7%

Under Occupations:
Management, business, science, and arts occupations, the total population is 42% for Mexican Americans its 23%

Under Industry:
Professional, scientific, and management and administrative and waste management services, the total population is 12.6%, Mexican Americans are 10.6%

Lastly, if you compare income in dollar during the past 12 months, the total population earned $108,024, Mexican Americans, earned $84,404